⮞ Women’s Empowerment Programme: 1994-1995, which was supported by global fund for women.
⮞ Integrated Development Programme through Animation and people’s Organization, Dumarwana, Bara: 1995-1996, supported by Caritas Nepal.
⮞ Non-formal Education and Sensitization Programmes: 1995-1996, supported by Unicef, Pact and SAP Nepal.
⮞ Skill Development Training Programme: 1994-1999, on collaboration with the Government of Nepal.
⮞ Legal Awareness and Free Legal Aid Service for Helpless Women: In 1995-1999, supported by Social Welfare Council Nepal.
⮞ Election Campaigning Programme: In 1995-1998, supported by Social Welfare Council.
⮞ Several Training Programmes on Leadership, Entrepreneurship, PRA.